Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Make sure too scroll down past this post because this is my second post today. You will find the Jewish Ghetto post below. In this post I wanted to give you a little glimpse of our studio space where we have class everyday.


Terrace patio

One of the Studios

(and this is for my parents)
Look what we have in our store! haha

(for those of you who dont get this... you cant buy these in the US anymore)

Last, I have another video demonstration. This one is on Italian Security. It's a 17 step
process to close our patio doors in studio... seems a little much for a country who's
airport customs consisted of a fat guy on a stool looking at you as you walked out
the door haha.

The Jewish Ghetto

Yesterday we had our second neighborhood tour, which was of the Jewish Ghetto (Which is where our studio is located). The neighborhood is called the Jewish Ghetto because this is where Jews were forced to live for 300 years between the 16th and 19th centuries. This area also has a lot of history from the World War 2 era when the nazis came to the ghetto and took more the 1000 Jews.

The highlight of our tour was the Synagogue (or was supposed to be). We weren't in the Synagogue for more than 15 min when we were escorted off the premises by security because our professor failed to obey the no pictures rule. It's ok thought because they were some of the rudest people I have ever met haha.

Anyways, heres some pics from the tour...

View of Isola Tiberina (Tiber Island)

Theatre of Marcellus
Completed in 13BC (nearly a century before the Colosseum)

Last is a video I did as a demonstration of how to use a Roman drinking fountain. These drinking fountains can be found all over the city and are constantly running. The bottom hole can be plugged to shoot water out of a top hole for easier drinking.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Ostia Antica

On Wednesday we took another trip for class. We rode the train about 15 miles southwest of Rome down the Tiber river to the town of Ostia Antica which is about 2 miles from the Mediterranean coast. In ancient times this city was actually located right on the shore, but because of thousands of years of silting and ocean level changes the town is now 2 miles from the coast. Ostia Antica was the harbor town for Rome guarding passage into the city. It was pretty eye opening and jaw dropping to walk through these ruins dating back to 500 BC.

Houses and thermal baths


Shot of ampitheatre from inside a temple

Julie as a statue 

large mosaic




Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Yesterday we met in the Ostiense neighborhood of Rome for class (across the river from my apartment). We toured around the neighborhood to see its sites and learn its history and then we went to a museum that houses recovered sculptures and old machinery.
Old gas towers

Monday, January 17, 2011

Market Round 2

Yesterday was all about the market again. On Saturday night we did a little research and found that it is the largest market in Rome, and among the biggest in the country. We decided that we were going to get up "early" this time (9am instead of noon) to get down there and try to see more of it. Before I went to bed Saturday night I got the idea to do a timelapse video (very long still video shot played in fast forward) of the market setup. We thought it would be interesting to see how everything sprung up so quickly, because, when we woke up last week all the tents were already set up. So i rigged my webcam to the railing of our front balcony and hit record. When I viewed the video the next morning to my surprise I did not capture the setup of the market because it was all done by 4am in the dark! So when the sun came up the tents were revealed.

Next week I am planning on taking a video of the deconstruction of the market... this is done in the daylight haha.

I made two purchases at the market this week. A ten euro shirt and a five euro scarf. I think I found a pretty good deal. Then at the end of the market Julie found a giant donut. I told her she wasn't allowed to eat it until we got back to my apartment so I could take a picture of the first bite!

Oh and one last thing... my new range for the market is anything from a stuffed squirrel ready for wall mount to a dusty old pink floyd vinyl.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Night Shots

Last night I walked north to the older ruins to get some night shots.

On my walk I came across the Circus Maximus, the Colosseum,
 Emmanuele Vittorio II, Trajans Forum, and Trevi Fountain.

This is what I captured.

Arco di Constantino
Trajan's Forum
Trevi Fountain
Vittorio Emanuele II