Monday, January 17, 2011

Market Round 2

Yesterday was all about the market again. On Saturday night we did a little research and found that it is the largest market in Rome, and among the biggest in the country. We decided that we were going to get up "early" this time (9am instead of noon) to get down there and try to see more of it. Before I went to bed Saturday night I got the idea to do a timelapse video (very long still video shot played in fast forward) of the market setup. We thought it would be interesting to see how everything sprung up so quickly, because, when we woke up last week all the tents were already set up. So i rigged my webcam to the railing of our front balcony and hit record. When I viewed the video the next morning to my surprise I did not capture the setup of the market because it was all done by 4am in the dark! So when the sun came up the tents were revealed.

Next week I am planning on taking a video of the deconstruction of the market... this is done in the daylight haha.

I made two purchases at the market this week. A ten euro shirt and a five euro scarf. I think I found a pretty good deal. Then at the end of the market Julie found a giant donut. I told her she wasn't allowed to eat it until we got back to my apartment so I could take a picture of the first bite!

Oh and one last thing... my new range for the market is anything from a stuffed squirrel ready for wall mount to a dusty old pink floyd vinyl.

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