Monday, May 30, 2011

Final Post

Well, I've been back in the States for about 3 weeks now and I have some more pictures that never got posted so I thought I would share those with you. Thanks for following my blog!

Capitoline museum statue

The famous She Wolf statue


AS Roma vs. Inter Milan match

Easter Sunday at the Vatican

The congregation of 60,000 strong.

The pope giving his final blessings
The infamous Prime Minister Berlusconi in the flesh.
Ran into him as he was coming out of a jewelry store
(probably shopping for one of his mistresses)
Corner of a temple from the roman forum

Inside the Colosseum

Thermal Baths

View of the forum from Capitoline Museum

Exit ramps for the Vatican Museums

The Capuchin Crypt
(Contains the bones of 4000 monks)

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