Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This was my second time being in Paris (if you count an airport connection coming home from Barcelona 2 years ago). The first time around I left with a sour taste in my mouth. Thankfully, this trip had a better impression on me.

We spent only two days in Paris so we didn't have time to see everything. We got around to see the Eiffel Tower, The Arch de Triumph, The Lourve, Notre Dame, and a few other things. Unfortunately my pictures are all out of order on this post and I don't really have time to put them in order right now (finals are drawing near).

Front of the Lourve

Notre Dame Organ (the hunchback was playing but he said no pictures)

Ducks in the Reflecting pool

He has a mate

Notre Dame from the river

Notre Dame inside (yes this is during mass)

One of the famous windows

Eiffel Tower from park

Bridge night shot

Pompidue Museum

The arch... kind of disappointing

Yes the Eiffel Tower is a light house.

Lourve gallery

I don't think I need to label this one.
Yes the rumors are true (its a bit disappointing)

Statue of Victory


Old Roman coins
(I think I saw more Roman artifacts here than I have in Rome)

The Three Graces

 A Sphinx


I'm not even going to try to make sarcophagus plural haha

Mummy of one of the Egyptian Kings


A couple of fairly talented break dancers out in front of Notre Dame

Now one of the guys straps on a helmet and sprays oil on it so he can do this...

Another fountain Demo

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