Sunday, March 20, 2011

Brion Cemetery

The Brion Cemetery is a Carlo Scarpa project which he spent most of his life on. This is what Scarpa himself had to say about his desgin:

"I would like to explain the Tomba Brion...I consider this work, if you permit me, to be rather good and which will get better over time. I have tried to put some poetic imagination into it, though not in order to create poetic architecture but to make a certain kind of architecture that could emanate a sense of formal poetry....The place for the dead is a garden....I wanted to show some ways in which you could approach death in a social and civic way; and further what meaning there was in death, in the ephemerality of life—other than these shoe-boxes."

The cemetery is full of beautiful detail work and metaphors on life. After his death, Scarpa was buried here in a standing position, wrapped in linens in the same fashion as a knight.

Water troughs

Andys  multiplying again

Part of the sanctuary

Sanctuary Ceiling

Island in the reflecting pool that is not accessible to visitors of the cemetery. It is said to be a metaphor for the afterlife. 

Wall corner detail
The outer walls all leaned in toward the courtyard. If you walked along next to them it sounded as though someone was walking along with you because of how the sound bounced off the concrete.

Raising Peter from the dead haha

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