Monday, March 21, 2011

Verona and Vicenza

Verona and Vicenza are two cities in northern Italy that we spent a few days in. They are quite similar in many ways so forgive me if I mix them up.

Verona is home to both ancient roman ruins, medieval ruins. You may know it as the town where the story of Romeo and Juliet took place (we went to "Juliet's home" and saw the famous balcony but I think its a hoax).

Stitch from atop the castle.

Courtyard of the Castle

one of the walkways

The somewhat shady structure holding up one of the floors haha



Three musketeers?

Giant sword that was about 6ft long

The supposed balcony of Juliet

Statue of Juliet

Another church 

locks on a bridge (apparently this type of thing can be seen all over Europe. One person puts a lock around something metal and then others follow. 

Vicenza is a very similar city with many beautiful buildings including the Teatro Olimpico.
Statue looking up to the giant bell tower we climbed

One of the panoramas from above

The last stairwell at the top

Giant lemons from the market below

Stage at the teatro olimpico (only remaining renaissance theater in europe)
Made entirely of wood (no stone as i may look)

The street you see through the arch is actually a false perspective made to look like a city street.
The floor slopes up and the ceiling slopes down to help with the effect.

I found this pretty funny...

Andy in my picture again

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